
We are here to help. We are happy to answer your questions. However, it may be faster for you to watch our videos, check out our FAQ's and read our eBook "Market Alert".

Quick Start Videos

Market Alert Pro videos have been designed to get you started and advance your knowledge to become a power user of our platform.

Explore our FAQ's

Navigate the Previous and Next for FAQ's and information about features in Market Alert Pro.

Read our eBook

Read our eBook "Market Alert". It is packed with examples about how to read the market and explanations of the features in Market Alert Pro.

Visit our Website

For an overview of Market Alert Pro, pricing and more visit www.marketalertpro.com

If you still have an issue, please email us and we will do our best to answer your question, just remember it may take up to 72 hours to receive a reply. We will do our best to be quicker than that.

Contact Support: support@marketalertpro.com


Explore the Next and Previous tabs below to find your issue or jump to the FAQ's page to see a list of our FAQ's

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